// Class: SiteCookie
// Version: 1.0
// Author: Brian Moon <brian@phorum.org>
// Purpose: Easily handle multiple cookies for a site in one browser cookie.
// Whatever you enter with put() is added to the single cookie stored
// when you call set(). The cookie name the browser receives is the
// string specified when creating the object. The constructor reads
// the browser cookie and creates the variables for use in your code.
// Usage:
// $cookie=new SiteCookie("mycookie");
// $cookie->put("bob","tom2"); // the difference between using put() and
// $cookie->put("tom","bob2"); // the setting the val array is that the
// // or you can do: // variables bob and tom are created by
// $cookie->val["bob"]="tom2"; // put(). By just setting the var array,
// $cookie->val["tom"]="bob2"; // the variables are not created.
// $cookie->set();
// echo $bob;
// echo $tom;
// Properties:
// $name: the name that the cookie is stored with in the browser.
// $val: an internal array to hold the cookie information.
// $expires: the expiration date of the cookie. default 1 year.
// $dir: the http dir that cookie is set to. default is /.
// $site: the domain for the cookie. default is none. The browser
// will use the current domain.
class SiteCookie {
var $name="";
var $val=array();
var $expires=time()+ 31536000; // one year
var $dir='/'; // all dirs
var $site='';
function SiteCookie($cname, $cexpires="", $cdir=""){
GLOBAL $$cname
if($cexpires) $this->expires=$cexpires;
if($cdir) $this->dir=$cdir;
@parse_str(str_replace("GLOBALS[", "val[", $$cname));
function put($var, $value){
GLOBAL $$var;
function set(){
if($curr) $cookie_val.='&';
setcookie("$this->name", $cookie_val, $this->expires, $this->dir, $this->site);
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