用Flash AS编写蝌蚪摆尾特效动画

  • 来源: 中国IT实验室 作者: somesun   2008-03-18/12:54
  • 本文中我们用Flash 的 AS代码来编写一个蝌蚪自由摆尾游动的动画。



    Object.environment = this;
    Math.prototype.degrees = function (r)
        return (r * 180 / 3.141593E+000);
    maxtents = 3;
    this.onEnterFrame = function ()
        if (!random(30) && tents < maxtents)
            var nombre = "tent" + String(depth++);
            var neo = this.attachMovie("tentacle", nombre, depth);
            neo._x = random(600);
            neo._y = 370;
            neo.theta = 270;
        } // end if
    stop ()


    #initclip 1
    function TentacleClass()
        this.numNodes = 27;
        this.head = 2 + random(4);
        this.girth = 8 + random(12);
        this.speedCoefficient = 9.000000E-002 + random(10) / 50;
        this.friction = 9.000000E-001 + random(10) / 100;
        this.muscleRange = 20 + random(50);
        this.muscleFreq = 1.000000E-001 + random(100) / 250;
        this.onEnterFrame = this.move;
    } // End of the function
    TentacleClass.prototype = new MovieClip();
    TentacleClass.prototype.generateNodes = function ()
        this.node = new Array();
        var n = 0;
        while (n < this.numNodes)
            var point = {x: 0, y: 0};
        } // end while
    TentacleClass.prototype.move = function ()
        this.tv = this.tv + 5.000000E-001 * (Math.random() - Math.random());
        this.theta = this.theta + this.tv;
        this.tv = this.tv * this.friction;
        this.node[0].x = this.head * Math.cos(1.745329E-002 * this.theta);
        this.node[0].y = this.head * Math.sin(1.745329E-002 * this.theta);
        this.count = this.count + this.muscleFreq;
        this.thetaMuscle = this.muscleRange * Math.sin(this.count);
        this.node[1].x = -this.head * Math.cos(1.745329E-002 * (this.theta + this.thetaMuscle));
        this.node[1].y = -this.head * Math.sin(1.745329E-002 * (this.theta + this.thetaMuscle));
        var i = 2;
        while (i < this.numNodes)
            var dx = this.node.x - this.node[i - 2].x;
            var dy = this.node.y - this.node[i - 2].y;
            var d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            this.node.x = this.node[i - 1].x + dx * this.girth / d;
            this.node.y = this.node[i - 1].y + dy * this.girth / d;
            if (i == 2)
                this._x = this._x - dx * this.speedCoefficient;
                this._y = this._y - dy * this.speedCoefficient;
                if (this._x + this._width < 0 || this._x - this._width > 600 || this._y + this._height < 0 || this._y - this._height > 400)
                } // end if
            } // end if
        } // end while
        this.moveTo(this.node[1].x, this.node[1].y);
        var i = 2;
        while (i < this.numNodes)
            this.lineStyle(int(this.numNodes - i) * (this.numNodes - i) / 20, 16777215, 100);
            this.lineTo(this.node.x, this.node.y);
        } // end while
    Object.registerClass("tentacle", TentacleClass);

    评论 {{userinfo.comments}}



    A {{question.A}}
    B {{question.B}}
    C {{question.C}}
    D {{question.D}}

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