
  • 来源: 编程中国 作者: 若水   2008-04-12/14:47
  • '注意:从第1列开始填充数据,第0列自动生成一个序号列
    Public Function RsFillFlex2(strcaption As String, _
                                grd As MSFlexGrid, _
                                rs As adodb.Recordset, _
                                Optional alignFlag As Integer = 0, _
                                Optional showZeroFlag As Integer = 0, _
                                Optional Rows_Fixed As Integer = 1, _
                                Optional TableHead As Integer = 1) As Boolean
        '参数七:表头所占的行数,默认为1 (该参数有何意义?)



    If rs.State <> adStateOpen Then
    "没有可供显示的记录集!", 32, "提示"
            RsFillFlex2 = False
            Exit Function
        End If
    If rs.BOF = True And rs.eof = True Then
    grd.Rows = grd.FixedRows                    '清除除表头的所有内容
    grd.Rows = Rows_Fixed + 1                   '无记录时,显示一个空白行
    RsFillFlex2 = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    '注意:不能设置固定行,否则会报错[设置固定行时,除非固定行比行数小一,否则报错]With grd
            .Rows = .FixedRows                                  #p#分页标题#e#'将行数设置成固定行的行数
    Clear                                              '清除原有内容[重要]
    FormatString = strcaption                          '格式化表头,确定列数
    grdCols = .Cols                                     '取表格列数
    rsCols = rs.Fields.Count                            '记录集字段数
    If grdCols <> rsCols + 1 Then
    '            MsgBox grdcols
                '            MsgBox rscols
    MsgBox "记录集字段数与表格列数不匹配,表格列数应比记录集列数多1,第0列为序号列!", 16, "提示"
                RsFillFlex2 = False
                Exit Function
            End If
    Redraw = False                                  '不重绘,目的是提高速度Rows = rs.RecordCount + TableHead                     '该设定决定表格有多少行显示数据,很重要If alignFlag = 1 Then
    j = 1 To rs.Fields.Count
                    Select Case rs.Fields(j - 1).Type
    adDecimal, adDouble, adSingle, adNumeric, adBigInt, adInteger, adTinyInt, adSmallInt
    ColAlignment(j) = 7
                        Case Else
    ColAlignment#p#分页标题#e#(j) = 1
                    End Select
            End If
            For i = 1 To rs.RecordCount                     '循环显示记录,有多少条记录则循环多少次
    TextMatrix(i, 0) = i                       '第0列显示序号
    For j = 1 To rs.Fields.Count                '循环处理各个列
    vnttmp = Trim(rs.Fields(j - 1).Value & "")
    Select Case rs.Fields(j - 1).Type
    adDecimal, adDouble, adSingle, adNumeric
                            If Val(vnttmp) = 0 Then
    showZeroFlag = 0 Then
    strField = ""
    Select Case rs.Fields(j - 1).NumericScale
                                        Case 0
                                            strField = Format(vnttmp, "#")
    Case 1
                                            strField #p#分页标题#e#= Format(vnttmp, "#0.0")
    Case 2
                                            strField = Format(vnttmp, "#0.00")
    Case 3
                                            strField = Format(vnttmp, "#0.000")
    Case Else
    strField = Format(vnttmp, "#0.000#")
    End Select
                                End If
    Select Case rs.Fields(j - 1).NumericScale
                                    Case 0
                                        strField = Format(vnttmp, "#")
    Case 1
                                        strField = Format(vnttmp, "#0.0")
    Case 2
                                        strField = Format(vnttmp, "#0.00"#p#分页标题#e#)
    Case 3
                                        strField = Format(vnttmp, "#0.000")
    Case Else
    strField = Format(vnttmp, "#0.000#")
    End Select
                            End If
    adBigInt, adInteger, adTinyInt, adSmallInt
                            If Val(vnttmp) = 0 Then
    showZeroFlag = 0 Then
    strField = ""
    strField = vnttmp
                                End If
    strField = vnttmp
                            End If'                    Case adBoolean
                            '                        '布尔值
                            '                        strField = IIf(vnttmp = True, "是", "否")
                            '                    Case adDBTimeStamp
                            '                        '日期时间值#p#分页标题#e#
                            '                        strField = Left(Format(vnttmp, "yyyy/mm/dd"), 10)
    Case Else
    strField = vnttmp
                    End Select
    TextMatrix(i, j) = strField
    rs.MoveNext                             '显示下一条记录
    TopRow = Rows_Fixed










            '        '使表头各列居中
            '        .Row = 0
            '        For j = 0 To .Cols - 1
            '            '.FixedAlignment(j) = 4
            '            .Col = j
            '            .CellAlignment = 4
            '        Next
    Redraw = True                                  '填完数据后,充许重绘
    RsFillFlex2 = True                               '返回true
    End Witherrhandler:
        grd.Rows = grd.FixedRows                    '清除除表头的所有内容
    grd.Rows = Rows_Fixed + 1                   '无记录时,显示一个空白行
    grd.Redraw = True       '出错后如果不设置成充许重绘,则会花屏
    RsFillFlex2 = #p#分页标题#e#False
    "发生错误:" & Err.Description
    End Function

        Exit Function


    Dim i As Long, j As Long, strField As String             'strField用于存放字段内容
    Dim vnttmp As Variant                               '临时存放每个单元格内容[要能存放各种类型数据,故为variant型]
    Dim rsCols As Long                                  '记录集的字段数
    Dim grdCols As Long                                 '表格的列数on Error GoTo errhandler

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