<?php ob_start(); //打开缓冲区 echo "Hellon"; //输出 header(“location:index.php”); //把浏览器重定向到index.php ob_end_flush();//输出全部内容到浏览器 ?> |
<?php for($i = 1; $i <= 300; $i++ ) print(“ “); // 这一句话非常关键,cache的结构使得它的内容只有达到一定的大小才能从浏览器里输出 // 换言之,如果cache的内容不达到一定的大小,它是不会在程序执行完毕前输出的。经 // 过测试,我发现这个大小的底限是256个字符长。这意味着cache以后接收的内容都会 // 源源不断的被发送出去。 For($j = 1; $j <= 20; $j++) { echo $j.””; flush(); //这一部会使cache新增的内容被挤出去,显示到浏览器上 sleep(1); //让程序“睡”一秒钟,会让你把效果看得更清楚 } ?> |
<?php ob_start(); //打开缓冲区 phpinfo(); //使用phpinfo函数 $info=ob_get_contents(); //得到缓冲区的内容并且赋值给$info $file=fopen('info.txt','w'); //打开文件info.txt fwrite($file,$info); //写入信息到info.txt fclose($file); //关闭文件info.txt ?> |
或许有人会问:“难道就这个样子吗?还有没有其他用途?”当然有了,比如笔者论坛的PHP 语法加亮显示就和这个有关(PHP默认的语法加亮显示函数会直接输出,不能保存结果,如果在每次调用都显示恐怕会很浪费CPU! #p#分页标题#e#
一、 静态模版技术
Example 4.
<?php ob_start();//打开缓冲区 ?> |
<? $content = ob_get_contents();//取得php页面输出的全部内容 $fp = fopen(“output00001.html”, “w”); //创建一个文件,并打开,准备写入 fwrite($fp, $content); //把php页面的内容全部写入output00001.html,然后…… fclose($fp); ?> |
<? Function run_code($code) { If($code) { ob_start(); eval($code); $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); }else { echo “错误!没有输出”; exit(); } return $contents; } |
<? /* ** Title.........: PHP4 HTTP Compression Speeds up the Web ** Version.......: 1.20 ** Author........: catoc <catoc@163.net> ** Filename......: gzdoc.php ** Last changed..: 18/10/2000 ** Requirments...: PHP4 >= 4.0.1 ** PHP was configured with --with-zlib[=DIR] ** Notes.........: Dynamic Content Acceleration compresses ** the data transmission data on the fly ** code by sun jin hu (catoc) <catoc@163.net> ** Most newer browsers since 1998/1999 have ** been equipped to support the HTTP 1.1 ** standard known as "content-encoding." ** Essentially the browser indicates to the ** server that it can accept "content encoding" ** and if the server is capable it will then ** compress the data and transmit it. The ** browser decompresses it and then renders ** the page. ** ** Modified by John Lim (jlim@natsoft.com.my) ** based on ideas by Sandy McArthur, Jr ** Usage........: ** No space before the beginning of the first '<?' tag. ** ------------Start of file---------- ** |<? ** | include('gzdoc.php'); ** |? > ** |<HTML> ** |... the page ... ** |</HTML> ** |<? ** | gzdocout(); ** |? > ** -------------End of file----------- */ ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(0); function CheckCanGzip(){ global $HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING; if (headers_sent() || connection_timeout() || connection_aborted()){ return 0; } if (strpos($HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING, 'x-gzip') !== false) return "x-gzip"; if (strpos($HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING,'gzip') !== false) return "gzip"; return 0; } /* $level = compression level 0-9, 0=none, 9=max */ function GzDocOut($level=1,$debug=0){ $ENCODING = CheckCanGzip(); if ($ENCODING){ print "n<!-- Use compress $ENCODING -->n"; $Contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($debug){ $s = "<p>Not compress length: ".strlen($Contents); $s .= " Compressed length: ".strlen(gzcompress($Contents,$level)); $Contents .= $s; } header("Content-Encoding: $ENCODING"); print "x1fx8bx08x00x00x00x00x00"; $Size = strlen($Contents); $Crc = crc32($Contents); $Contents = gzcompress($Contents,$level); $Contents = substr($Contents, 0, strlen($Contents) - 4); print $Contents; print pack('V',$Crc); print pack('V',$Size); exit; }else{ ob_end_flush(); exit; } } ?> |
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