#include using namespace std; #define MAX 10 // MAXIMUM STACK CONTENT class stack { private: int arr[MAX]; // Contains all the Data int top; //Contains location of Topmost Data pushed onto Stack public: stack() //Constructor { top=-1; //Sets the Top Location to -1 indicating an empty stack } void push(int a) // Push ie. Add Value Function { top++; // increment to by 1 if(top { arr[top]=a; //If Stack is Vacant store Value in Array } else { cout<<"STACK FULL!!"< top--; } } int pop() // Delete Item. Returns the deleted item { if(top==-1) { cout<<"STACK IS EMPTY!!!"< return NULL; } else { int data=arr[top]; //Set Topmost Value in data arr[top]=NULL; //Set Original Location to NULL top--; // Decrement top by 1 return data; // Return deleted item } } }; int main() { stack a; a.push(3); cout<<"3 is Pushed\n"; a.push(10); cout<<"10 is Pushed\n"; a.push(1); cout<<"1 is Pushed\n\n"; cout< cout< cout< return 0; } |
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