
  •   2009-07-31/22:56
  • <?php  

    //   EmailClass 0.5  
    //   class for sending mail  
    //   Paul Schreiber  
    //   php@paulschreiber.com  
    //   http://paulschreiber.com/  
    //   parameters  
    //   ----------  
    //   - subject, message, senderName, senderEmail and toList are required  
    //   - ccList, bccList and replyTo are optional  
    //   - toList, ccList and bccList can be strings or arrays of strings  
    //     (those strings should be valid email addresses  
    //   example  
    //   -------  
    //   $m = new email ( "hello there",            // subject  
    //                    "how are you?",           // message body  
    //                    "paul",                   // sender's name  
    //                    "foo@foobar.com",         // sender's email  
    //                    array("paul@foobar.com", "foo@bar.com"), // To: recipients  
    //                    "paul@whereever.com"      // Cc: recipient  
    //                   );  
    //       print "mail sent, result was" . $m->send();  

    if ( ! defined( 'MAIL_CLASS_DEFINED' ) ) {  
            define('MAIL_CLASS_DEFINED', 1 );  

    class email {  

            // the constructor!  
            function email ( $subject, $message, $senderName, $senderEmail, $toList, $ccList=0, $bccList=0, $replyTo=0) {  
                    $this->sender = $senderName . " <$senderEmail>";  
                    $this->replyTo = $replyTo;  
                    $this->subject = $subject;  
                    $this->message = $message;  

                    // set the To: recipient(s)  
                    if ( is_array($toList) ) {  
                            $this->to = join( $toList, "," );  
                    } else {  
                            $this->to = $toList;  

                    // set the Cc: recipient(s)  
                    if ( is_array($ccList) && sizeof($ccList) ) {  
                            $this->cc = join( $ccList, "," );  
                    } elseif ( $ccList ) {  
                            $this->cc = $ccList;  
                    // set the Bcc: recipient(s)  
                    if ( is_array($bccList) && sizeof($bccList) ) {  
                            $this->bcc = join( $bccList, "," );  
                    } elseif ( $bccList ) {  
                            $this->bcc = $bccList;  


            // send the message; this is actually just a wrapper for   
            // PHP's mail() function; heck, it's PHP's mail function done right :-)  
            // you could override this method to:  
            // (a) use sendmail directly  
            // (b) do SMTP with sockets  
            function send () {  
                    // create the headers needed by PHP's mail() function  

                    // sender  
                    $this->headers = "From: " . $this->sender . "\n";  

                    // reply-to address  
                    if ( $this->replyTo ) {  
                            $this->headers .= "Reply-To: " . $this->replyTo . "\n";  

                    // Cc: recipient(s)  
                    if ( $this->cc ) {  
                            $this->headers .= "Cc: " . $this->cc . "\n";  

                    // Bcc: recipient(s)  
                    if ( $this->bcc ) {  
                            $this->headers .= "Bcc: " . $this->bcc . "\n";  
                    return mail ( $this->to, $this->subject, $this->message, $this->headers );  


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