
  •   2009-08-01/08:15
  • test_pop3.php

    <TITLE>Test for Manuel Lemos's PHP POP3 class</TITLE>

    $pop3_connection=new pop3_class;
       echo "<PRE>Connected to the POP3 server &quot;$pop3_connection->hostname&quot;.</PRE>\n";
          echo "<PRE>User &quot;$user&quot; logged in.</PRE>\n";
             echo "<PRE>There are <b>$messages</b> messages in the mail box with a total of <b>$size</b> bytes.</PRE>\n";
                   echo "<PRE>Message ",Key($result)," - ",$result[Key($result)]," bytes.</PRE>\n";
                      echo "<PRE>Message 1:\n---Message headers starts below---</PRE>\n";
                         echo "<PRE>",HtmlSpecialChars($headers[$line]),"</PRE>\n";
                      echo "<PRE>---Message headers ends above---\n---Message body starts below---</PRE>\n";
                         echo "<PRE>",HtmlSpecialChars($body[$line]),"</PRE>\n";
                      echo "<PRE>---Message body ends above---</PRE>\n";
                      echo "<PRE>Disconnected from the POP3 server &quot;$pop3_connection->hostname&quot;.</PRE>\n";
       echo "<H2>Error: ",HtmlSpecialChars($error),"</H2>";



    class pop3_class
            var $hostname="";
            var $port=110;

            var $connection=0;
            var $state="DISCONNECTED";
            var $greeting="";
            var $must_update=0;
            var $debug=0;

            Function OutputDebug($message)
                    echo $message,"<br>\n";

            Function GetLine()
                            if($length>=2 && substr($line,$length-2,2)=="\r\n")
                                            $this->OutputDebug("< $line");

            Function PutLine($line)
                            $this->OutputDebug("> $line");

            Function OpenConnection()
                            return("2 it was not specified a valid hostname");
                            case -3:
                                    return("-3 socket could not be created");
                            case -4:
                                    return("-4 dns lookup on hostname \"$hostname\" failed");
                            case -5:
                                    return("-5 connection refused or timed out");
                            case -6:
                                    return("-6 fdopen() call failed");
                            case -7:
                                    return("-7 setvbuf() call failed");

            Function CloseConnection()

            Function Open()
                            return("1 a connection is already opened");
                    || strtok($this->greeting," ")!="+OK")
                            return("3 POP3 server greeting was not found");
            Function Close()
                            return("no connection was opened");
                                    return("Could not send the QUIT command");
                                    return("Could not get quit command response");
                            if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")
                                    return("Could not quit the connection: ".strtok("\r\n"));

            Function Login($user,$password,$apop)
                            return("connection is not in AUTHORIZATION state");
                            if($this->PutLine("APOP $user ".md5($this->greeting.$password))==0)
                                    return("Could not send the APOP command");
                                    return("Could not get APOP login command response");
                            if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")
                                    return("APOP login failed: ".strtok("\r\n"));
                            if($this->PutLine("USER $user")==0)
                                    return("Could not send the USER command");
                                    return("Could not get user login entry response");
                            if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")
                                    return("User error: ".strtok("\r\n"));
                            if($this->PutLine("PASS $password")==0)
                                    return("Could not send the PASS command");
                                    return("Could not get login password entry response");
                            if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")
                                    return("Password error: ".strtok("\r\n"));

            /* Statistics method - pass references to variables to hold the number of
         messages in the mail box and the size that they take in bytes.  */

            Function Statistics($messages,$size)
                            return("connection is not in TRANSACTION state");
                            return("Could not send the STAT command");
                            return("Could not get the statistics command response");
                    if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")
                            return("Could not get the statistics: ".strtok("\r\n"));
                    $messages=strtok(" ");
                    $size=strtok(" ");

            Function ListMessages($message,$unique_id)
                            return("connection is not in TRANSACTION state");
                    if($this->PutLine("$list_command $message")==0)
                            return("Could not send the $list_command command");
                            return("Could not get message list command response");
                    if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")
                            return("Could not get the message listing: ".strtok("\r\n"));
                                            return("Could not get message list response");
                                    $message=intval(strtok($response," "));
                                            $messages[$message]=strtok(" ");
                                            $messages[$message]=intval(strtok(" "));
                            $message=intval(strtok(" "));
                            return(intval(strtok(" ")));

            Function RetrieveMessage($message,$headers,$body,$lines)
                            return("connection is not in TRANSACTION state");
                            $arguments="$message $lines";
                    if($this->PutLine("$command $arguments")==0)
                            return("Could not send the $command command");
                            return("Could not get message retrieval command response");
                    if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")
                            return("Could not retrieve the message: ".strtok("\r\n"));
                                    return("Could not retrieve the message");
                                    case ".":
                                    case "":
                                            break 2;
                                    return("Could not retrieve the message");
                                    case ".":



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