1 Cmd.CommandText = "select * from 支出 where 日期=03-3-13" 中 03-3-13=-13。 日期实际上是Double型数字。0 是 1899-12-30,-13 是 1899-12-17。你当然没有这样日期的记录,所以只有大于才行。 2 Cmd.CommandText = "select * from 支出 where 日期=#03-3-13#" 凡是没有明示,文字型日期是按美国习惯解释的,#03-3-13# 是 0013-03-03。 或者使用长日期格式: Cmd.CommandText = "select * from 支出 where 日期=#2003-3-13#" 用格式化函数: Cmd.CommandText = "select * from 支出 where 日期=#" & format(mydate,"yyyy-mm-dd") & "#" |
1、通过利用ODBC API中的SQLDataSource函数可以取得ODBC API中数据源的列表。 判断DNS是否存在: 2、使用API函数Private Declare Function SQLDataSources Lib "ODBC32.DLL" (ByVal henv As Long, ByVal fDirection As Integer, ByVal szDSN As String, ByVal cbDSNMax As Integer, pcbDSN As Integer, ByVal szDescription As String, ByVal cbDescriptionMax As Integer, pcbDescription As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function SQLAllocEnv Lib "ODBC32.DLL" (ByRef env As Long) As Long 列举出所有DNS。 |
Set main = bumony.OpenRecordset("main") Open App.Path & "\sources\" & Text1.Text & "\´úÀíÒµÎñ" & Text1.Text & ".txt" For Input As #1 Do While Not EOF(1) Line Input #1, str1 With main .AddNew !code = Mid(str1, 1, 5) !date = Text1.Text If Mid(str1, 1, 5) = "21310" Or Mid(str1, 1, 5) = "21311" Or Mid(str1, 1, 5) = "21410" Or Mid(str1, 1, 5) = "21411" Then !Money = Trim(Mid(str1, 7, 10)) Else !Money = Trim(Mid(str1, 7, 10)) & "0000" End If !whao = "1102" !ywhao = "1102" .Update End With Loop Close #1 main.Close |
Dim ADOCmd As New ADODB.Command Dim ADOPrm As New ADODB.Parameter Dim ADORs As ADODB.Recordset .... Set ADOCmd.ActiveConnection = ADOCon With ADOCmd .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc .CommandText = "ADOTestRPE" End With sParmName = "Output" Set ADOPrm = ADOCmd.CreateParameter(sParmName, adInteger, adParamOutput) ADOCmd.Parameters.Append ADOPrm ADOCmd.Parameters(sParmName).Value = 999 Set ADORs = ADOCmd.Execute ..... Debug.Print "Output: " & ADOCmd.Parameters("Output").Value |
新建一个工程,添加 ado 控件,2个 Command ,1个 Picture,1个 Image Dim Chunk() As Byte Dim lngLengh As Long Dim intChunks As Integer Dim intFragment As Integer Const ChunkSize = 1000 Const lngDataFile = 1 Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click() On Error Resume Next With cmdlFilePath .Filter = "JPG Files|*.JPG|Bitmaps|*.BMP" .ShowOpen txtFilePath.Text = .filename End With End Sub Private Sub Savepic() Open "c:\colordraw0094_m.jpg" For Binary Access Read As lngDataFile lngLengh = LOF(lngDataFile) If lngLengh = 0 Then Close lngDatafile: Exit Sub intChunks = lngLengh \ ChunkSize intFragment = lngLengh Mod ChunkSize OpenData 打开数据库 Dim i As Int |
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